Saturday, March 29, 2008

Controversy over Manhunt 2

Controversy over 2 Manhunt spreads as Great Britain and Ireland have already censored computer games, and sales in the U.S. Expect to be suspended or restricted together.

In His New Video game publisher Take-Two announced on Tuesday June 19 which is the temporary suspension of the release of the ultra-violent computer game Manhunt 2 " " because the current rating of the issues they face in the United States and of the ban in the UK AND Ireland.

Take int-Two said in a statement that needed time to review their options " ", but " still standing behind this extraordinary game ".

" We believe in the freedom of creative expression, as well as responsible for marketing, both of which are essential for our business to do a great show, " Take-Tow explained.

The computer video game Manhunt 2 " " had been scheduled for July 10 in the states of the Xbox and Playstation 2.

However critics refer to the games " " content, which represents an escape amnesiac scientist and a psychotic murderer of a nursing home and their subsequent slaughter. In version Wii consoles of the motion-sensitive greeted the distance around a virtual control " murder weapons.

There is still skepticism about whether violent video games lead to violent behavior, but many of the large retailers, such as Wal-Mart, which accounts for 25 percent of US Sales of computer games, refuse to carry Adults Only " " titles.

This suspension was a setback for Roskstar creator of games, which was shot by " the popular Grand Theft Auto series of games " of urban crime, with Take-Tow earlier this year suffered " a coup that ousted its chief executive shareholder and almost all of his advice. "

Take-Two has done very well for itself with revenue last year of just over $ 1 billion, and Manhunt 2, is expected to generate about $ 40 million according to analysts, the suspension or setback can damage Take-Two sales.

For Carrying the management of its two new goals to curb the creative talent in the industry say video games that are in the business of making money and make games that sell games that are not artistically beautiful, but is not available in Wal-Mart. Okay, if Take-Two or Rockstar company or whatever game that could have created great but are too violent or sexual content to be put on the selfs at Wal-Mart that it is necessary to reconsider the way they set up their games. For more like this article, please go to rodney sibyl

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