Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cheap Laptops: Things that You Must Know Before Buying.

Laptops are no more status symbols but have become an item of necessity. And the market is brimming with a thousand versions of them. Some laptops are too expensive to afford, on the other hand we have also seen some very cheap laptops in the recent times. In fact, there was a big buzz regarding Nicholas Negroponte s one laptop per child who planned to manufacture $100 laptop for children in the developing countries.
The above analysis is presented to acquaint you with the wide price range that can be seen in respect to the variety of laptops available in the market. So when you are planning to buy a laptop, especially a cheap laptop, you shouldn t face any difficulty in finding a few of them in the market. However there are some points that you must take care of while choosing a laptop over the others available in the market.
First, it must be understood as to why you are buying a laptop. Is it out of necessity or because you simply want to add another gizmo into your already existing long list? Whatever may be the case, you need to take care of a few prerequisites before finalising your buy. The foremost feature that needs to be considered while buying a cheap laptop is the size of the hard drive. Remember the hard drive is catalytic in evaluating the efficiency of the laptop, so it should always be bigger and in consonance with your usage and requirement.
Then comes the memory. The memory of a laptop should be somewhere close to 1GB so that you can save a large amount of data into it. And if the need arises, you can as well make it bigger as per your requirement. The processor of the system should also be taken into consideration while evaluating a laptop. The processor makes a program run faster so the speed of the processor shouldn t also not be less than 2ghz.
There are several other things that should be kept in mind while buying a cheap laptop, like the broadband facility, USP port for camera or music player. These features may vary according to their respective manufacturing brands. Thus, by considering all these features, you will be in a better position to judge the capability of a laptop.
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