Friday, April 4, 2008

Email Is A Wonderful Tool, Especially If Used Properly

E-mail is a wonderful tool, especially if it is used properly.
I & 39; m & 39; part of a group of five or six friends who " " physically gather most weekends (as opposed to virtually). We email each other, usually every day, usually to exchange jokes, & 39; exchange news, and discuss problems related to do with when you are getting together next. We are beginning to talk to Messenger.
One Monday, a few weeks ago, our rates & 39; emailing suddenly enriched with over thirty e-mails in about twelve hours. Unfortunately, it was a few days after someone & 39; a new & 39; has just join our group. Fortunately, it has not & 39; fled in terror, and things calmed down.
Things really NEED to calm down because most of the thirty most e-mails are coming from & 39; a battle between two of my friends. I will call the & 39; Katrina and Chris.
Hopefully, reading this article will not start the fight. (If this is & 39; I will wait one or two e-mail in anger saying: " I will not be coming on Sunday or never. ")
Let repeat myself. E-mail is wonderful, if used right. After the fight slightly cooled, Chris even mention that the nature of the & 39; sending and receiving e-mail can reflect before answering, if you take the time.
If somebody & 39; a emails and tells you that you are an idiot, you can write scathing response you want, full of all kinds of insults & 39; and the foulest bad language. I recommend that you write such a vicious response.
But write with a word processing program, rather than directly to a blank e-mail. You get all kinds of help & 39; to & 39; spelling of & 39; publishing and punctuation. It is massively embarrassing to receive an e-mail saying that you are an idiot, and again a misspelled word in your (allegedly) derisory response.
The biggest reason & 39; write your answer in a word processor is that you can not click send " " when you finish d & 39; write. You can not fire him without opening a new e-mail, then "cut and paste" your words to & 39; acid, which gives you a minute to cool.
Ideally, give yourself an hour or more to cool in a situation like that. After half an hour, read the message you answer too. Did they say: " you are an idiot ", or" You look like an idiot when you have not & 39; n SpellCheck? & 39; N
If you had not already guessed, Katrina and Chris & 39; n not take an hour or even a few minutes to cool down before replying to e-mail each other. Usually, the two may be more sensible if they just had an off-day on the same day. Or, perhaps & 39; that they had simply on each other complaints to be discussed and resolved.
Regardless why the & 39; they did, they were then exchanged a series of increasingly insulting e-mails, responding to each other, without taking the time to cool. Our group has received more than thirty emails. An email received some " sent to undisclosed recipients ", which gave rise to accusations of cover ups bizarre secretly involving the sharing of our private enterprises with dark mysterious strangers.
Eventually they took their fight to a more private, rather than & 39; CC & 39; ing their insults to the rest of us & 39;. In this exchange I think private insults become even more vicious.
No more & 39; CC & 39; ed emails, or Chris Katrina to Katrina or Chris, I thought that & 39; they had both grown up and calmed down. Then, unexpectedly, the two of them & 39; m & 39; have emailed proposing d & 39; abandon the group. We lost almost & 39; them both & 39; because they could not stand & 39; d be in the same room, after & 39; what they had said in their rapid-fire emails. J & 39; I spent several days in & 39; speak of them on both Messenger to resolve the situation. We have even lost & 39; Chris for a few weeks. However, I left the door open for him to return and he finally made the & 39;.
Email is a wonderful tool. But be careful, you can burn your bridges if you did not use & 39; with a cool head.

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